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How to Get More Private Label Leads and Clients

How We Used Google Ads to Increase Leads by 500% and Generate Over $400,000 in Orders – for a Private Label Supplements Company

Our Private Label Supplements Client

We’ve been working with Pharmedica USA for about 2 years now. They had existing Google Ads campaigns, to generate leads for private label supplements (for retailers, gyms, doctors, fitness trainers, etc).  The right general idea. But unfortunately the campaigns were generating almost no leads per month.

We came in and did a turn-around of their campaigns, and the way that the leads are qualified and captured.  Within a month, they were starting to get real leads from the campaigns.

Within 4 months, after additional improvements, they were getting an average of 3 high-quality leads per day.

Over the following 12 months they had ramped up to 10 leads per day. Until they decided to actually reduce the lead volume because they were getting more than their sales team could handle!

The Google Ads campaigns are now their biggest source of leads, by far. The consistent flow of good leads has allowed them to dramatically increase their sales. 

Why Google Ads

Google Ads (formerly called “AdWords”), LinkedIn Ads and Microsoft Ads allow you to show ads for specific searches. For companies that do private label, that’s important. You want to target the searches that show to people that are actively looking for private label products (or services). Such as people looking for “private label energy drink” and even searches that are more detailed than that. Not consumers looking to buy the products themselves.

Google Ads has the biggest audience, so it’s a very important source of visitors and leads. Microsoft Ad and LinkedIn Ads are worth exploring too. But we like to start with Google Ads and find what searches work. And then can branch to the other two options later.

The Ads

There is a lot of options/detail we could go into, about setting up the campaigns. For now, we’ll just talk about the actual ads.

Everyone hears about split-testing ads, but almost no one does it. We have a “rolodex” of different words and phrases to try, that work well. As well as experience from writing thousands of ads for a number of different clients, as well as our own campaigns. Beware of just trying to get a higher clickthrough-rate for the ads. For private label lead-generation, you’re caring about the lead conversion rate (while making sure still maintaining quality of leads).Tip: also look at ad extensions. Those are added on as Google likes (depending on a number of factors). But you want Google to have some to work with. While deleting those that don’t work over time.

Private Label Leads - sample Google ad

Private Label Leads – sample Google ad



Lead Capture

A big thing we did that improved the lead conversion rate (of site visitors into leads), and improved the quality of the leads, was to focus on the lead capture form. The initial form didn’t give people a reason to contact the company. And it didn’t require enough information either, to determine their needs.

A big focus of our first month was to try different wording and call-to-action. That gave a big boost, after trying a few variations.

After that we tested different styles of the form. Including a “card” version of the form. This gives a single question/answer at a time (each one shows as a card). This leads the person into filling out the contact information first (easy) and then asking for more details (after they’re already committed, to a degree). After trying the “all questions at once” version (which is how most forms are) and the card version, the card version gave a 25% increase in conversion rate. As well as giving better quality, on average. With real phone numbers, email addresses, and more-exact details about what they need.

Most companies doing lead capture just do a simple form, without trying different things. It’s the experimenting with different copy, and styles, that can make a big difference over time.

When getting more details (rather than just name and email) it takes more to get the visitors to fill out all the information. But those leads are better than someone that just gives the bare minimum. And for private label, you can tell if it’s an end customer just trying to get a product for themselves (occasionally happens) vs a company that wants their own branded products.

Discover How to Get More Private Label Leads for Your Company

This is a very broad-brush look at some of the factors involved with doing Google Ad campaigns for Private Label leads.

If you want to get your existing campaigns working a lot better, or want to start campaigns, then please Contact Us for more guidance.

A lot of what makes a campaign successful is to keep trying different keywords (aka searches to target), different ads, and different lead capture pages. 

Like James Clear talks about with “Atomic Habits” – it’s about making consistent improvements, that keep giving better results. In the case of campaigns, it’s about trying different things, while measuring the results. Keep picking the options that prove to be better, and remove or adjust the ones that aren’t doing as well.  Each time you find something that works better, it could be a small improvement … or a significant improvement. With ongoing small and significant improvements, it really adds up!

In this case it means getting more leads, and higher-quality leads, for your ad budget.

Once the campaigns are working and giving great ROI, then it’s a matter of increasing the ad budget to give even more leads … within what your sales team and company can handle.

Get Help From Us for Your Lead Generation Campaigns

Help start your campaigns:

If you haven’t started yet, we can look at the potential for your business. Including the expected number of searches for your keywords per month, and expected number of leads per month.

Leads can go to the CRM of your choice and/or to your email inbox. Even via text message.

Improve your existing campaigns:

If you have campaigns running, but aren’t paying off yet, we can do a quick assessment of some key things to improve.

Often within a few minutes of looking at the campaigns, we can see what is probably holding them back. Often a re-do of the keywords, will do wonders. As well as different options to try for ad copy, ad extensions, and landing/lead pages.

Need More Private Label Clients?

How We Used Google Ads to Increase Leads by 500%, and Generate Over $400,000 in Orders, for a Private Label Supplements Company

Our Private Label Supplements Client

We’ve been working with Pharmedica USA for about 2 years now. They had existing Google Ads campaigns, to generate leads for private label supplements (for retailers, gyms, doctors, fitness trainers, etc).  The right general idea. But unfortunately the campaigns were generating almost no leads per month.

We came in and did a turn-around of their campaigns, and the way that the leads are qualified and captured.  Within a month, they were starting to get real leads from the campaigns.

Within 4 months, after additional improvements, they were getting an average of 3 high-quality leads per day.

Over the following 12 months they had ramped up to 10 leads per day. Until they decided to actually reduce the lead volume because they were getting more than their sales team could handle!

The Google Ads campaigns are now their biggest source of leads, by far. The consistent flow of good leads has allowed them to dramatically increase their sales. 

Why Google Ads

Google Ads (formerly called “AdWords”), LinkedIn Ads and Microsoft Ads allow you to show ads for specific searches. For companies that do private label, that’s important. You want to target the searches that show to people that are actively looking for private label products (or services). Such as people looking for “private label energy drink” and even searches that are more detailed than that. Not consumers looking to buy the products themselves.

Google Ads has the biggest audience, so it’s a very important source of visitors and leads. Microsoft Ad and LinkedIn Ads are worth exploring too. But we like to start with Google Ads and find what searches work. And then can branch to the other two options later.

The Ads

There is a lot of options/detail we could go into, about setting up the campaigns. For now, we’ll just talk about the actual ads.

Everyone hears about split-testing ads, but almost no one does it. We have a “rolodex” of different words and phrases to try, that work well. As well as experience from writing thousands of ads for a number of different clients, as well as our own campaigns. Beware of just trying to get a higher clickthrough-rate for the ads. For private label lead-generation, you’re caring about the lead conversion rate (while making sure still maintaining quality of leads).Tip: also look at ad extensions. Those are added on as Google likes (depending on a number of factors). But you want Google to have some to work with. While deleting those that don’t work over time.

Private Label Leads - sample Google ad

Private Label Leads – sample Google ad



Lead Capture

A big thing we did that improved the lead conversion rate (of site visitors into leads), and improved the quality of the leads, was to focus on the lead capture form. The initial form didn’t give people a reason to contact the company. And it didn’t require enough information either, to determine their needs.

A big focus of our first month was to try different wording and call-to-action. That gave a big boost, after trying a few variations.

After that we tested different styles of the form. Including a “card” version of the form. This gives a single question/answer at a time (each one shows as a card). This leads the person into filling out the contact information first (easy) and then asking for more details (after they’re already committed, to a degree). After trying the “all questions at once” version (which is how most forms are) and the card version, the card version gave a 25% increase in conversion rate. As well as giving better quality, on average. With real phone numbers, email addresses, and more-exact details about what they need.

Most companies doing lead capture just do a simple form, without trying different things. It’s the experimenting with different copy, and styles, that can make a big difference over time.

When getting more details (rather than just name and email) it takes more to get the visitors to fill out all the information. But those leads are better than someone that just gives the bare minimum. And for private label, you can tell if it’s an end customer just trying to get a product for themselves (occasionally happens) vs a company that wants their own branded products.

Discover How to Get More Private Label Leads for Your Company

This is a very broad-brush look at some of the factors involved with doing Google Ad campaigns for Private Label leads.

If you want to get your existing campaigns working a lot better, or want to start campaigns, then please Contact Us for more guidance.

A lot of what makes a campaign successful is to keep trying different keywords (aka searches to target), different ads, and different lead capture pages. 

Like James Clear talks about with “Atomic Habits” – it’s about making consistent improvements, that keep giving better results. In the case of campaigns, it’s about trying different things, while measuring the results. Keep picking the options that prove to be better, and remove or adjust the ones that aren’t doing as well.  Each time you find something that works better, it could be a small improvement … or a significant improvement. With ongoing small and significant improvements, it really adds up!

In this case it means getting more leads, and higher-quality leads, for your ad budget.

Once the campaigns are working and giving great ROI, then it’s a matter of increasing the ad budget to give even more leads … within what your sales team and company can handle.

Get Help From Us for Your Lead Generation Campaigns

Help start your campaigns:

If you haven’t started yet, we can look at the potential for your business. Including the expected number of searches for your keywords per month, and expected number of leads per month.

Leads can go to the CRM of your choice and/or to your email inbox. Even via text message.

Improve your existing campaigns:

If you have campaigns running, but aren’t paying off yet, we can do a quick assessment of some key things to improve.

Often within a few minutes of looking at the campaigns, we can see what is probably holding them back. Often a re-do of the keywords, will do wonders. As well as different options to try for ad copy, ad extensions, and landing/lead pages.